God cares when I am happy
Welcome to the final video in our series looking at how the Bible helps us to understand and cope with our feelings. We are finishing our series with feeling happy with the Parable of the Lost Son.

God cares when I am facing changes
Welcome to our series of videos looking at how the Bible helps us to understand and cope with different feelings we may experience. We are continuing our series with facing changes with the story of Saul on the Road to Damascus.

God cares when I am being bullied
Welcome to our series of videos looking at how the Bible helps us to understand and cope with our feelings. We are continuing our series with being bullied with the story of Joseph and his brothers.

God cares when I am uncertain
Welcome to our series of videos looking at how the Bible helps us to understand and cope with our feelings. We are continuing our series with feeling uncertain with the story of The Burning Bush.

God cares when I am frustrated
Welcome to our series of videos looking at how the Bible helps us to both understand and cope with our feelings. We are continuing our series with feeling frustrated with the story of The Big Catch.

God cares when I am sad
Welcome to our series of videos looking at how the Bible helps us to both understand and cope with our feelings. We are continuing our series with feeling sad from the story of Nehemiah.

God cares when I am lonely
Welcome to our new series of videos looking at how the Bible can help us to both understand and cope with our feelings. We are continuing our series, starting with feeling lonely with the story of Elijah and the widow.

God cares when I am afraid
Welcome to our series of videos looking at how the Bible can help us to both understand and cope with our feelings. We are starting by exploring being afraid through the story of David.
Part 1: David is chosen to be king

Part 3: David escapes through a window

Part 4: David and Saul in a cave

Part 5: David's poetry

Part 6: David and Absolom


Easter Resources
Welcome to our new series which we have called "Experience Easter".
Before we start thinking about the Easter story though let's go right back to the beginning......

Part 3: Servant King

Why don't you draw round your hand or your foot and inside it write or draw one thing you could do to serve someone else, for example helping at home or donating food to a foodbank.
Part 4: Remember Me

Part 5: Alone

Part 6: Sharing Our Sorrows

Now, can you take an outline of a cross and in it write or draw a form of suffering or something that makes people sad. If you can send it to us via twitter @St AndrewsChurc7 or email us we will then stick them to our big cross in the church building because we believe that God will deal with all these things that make people sad.
Part 7: Resurrection!